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Gtag Maps

Gorilla Tag Maps

My personally created GorillaTag custom maps. Some are approved on MMH and the rest can all be found here.


Gorilla Warrior - Test your skills in the assault course make for Monke

Giant Pond - Tiny Monke go for a swim?

The infamous BIG CHEESE - Monke be like Mouse

COD Rust in Gtag - 360 no scopes anyone?
Sharks vs Minnows - A map designs for perfect play
The floor is lava - A parkour map where you are auto tagged if you hit the floor.
Bloodcells - Monke turned Nano Monke and running around is human viens.
Bead Maze - Play in a kids dream world
Hedge Maze - Monke no get lost, Monke can climb over
Rooftops - GMOD rooftops map in GTag
Mountain - A Discord request made into a map, find the blue rock!
Cardboard Boxes - Play inside someone closet as a mini Monke

Full pack

This includes all of the above into a single download.